GEORGIE magazine Issue 3 F14 (DIGITAL EDITION)

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RESSIA W h a t D o Yo u H i d e ? Romina Ressia is an Argentinian-born photographer

Georgie spoke to Ressia about her series, What Do

whose work is influenced by a lifelong appreciation

You Hide?, which explores the human propensity to

for classical art and a fascination with modern-day

conceal certain aspects of our true identities in order

behaviour. Driven to explore the ways in which the

to play a certain role, avoid judgement or meet others’

human disposition has evolved throughout the ages,

expectations. The subjects of these meticulously staged

she’s known for blending contemporary societal themes

portraits have their faces camouflaged by vibrant,

with Renaissance-style imagery. The end result is a

loudly patterned textiles, in what is a metaphorical

portfolio of strikingly modern photos somehow also

visualization of the need to fit in – even if it means losing

reminiscent of classic works of art.

sight of who we really are.



Glen Leavitt


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